Interlock Sealant
A combination of a well designed and manufactured sheet pile interlock and a properly applied sealant can virtually eliminate any fluid leakage through the sheet piles, even at high hydrostatic pressures. ESC offers a range of time proven interlock sealants that can be used for hot rolled, cold formed and cold rolled sheet piles in various conditions from tropical to arctic. They are especially effective for cofferdams and marine applications.

Malacca River Beautification, Malaysia
ESC delivered over 3,000 tons of sheet piles for the beautification works for the popular tourist hub - the Malacca River. ESC's cost effective design and locally manufactured sheet piles were integral for securing the scope of work. The design incorporated a 50 year design life of which some sheet piles were hot dip galvznized and some were coated with coal tar epoxy coating.
Melaka is a very popular destination for Malaysian and foreign tourists alike. The history and beauty of the city was legendary. However, over the years, there have been unauthorized buildings and unwanted dumping of waste into the Melaka River from residents and industries alike.
The Government could not advertise and utilize the river as part of its promotion anymore.
It was decided to clean up the river and allow larger tourist boats to venture up the river as well as provide pedestrians with unhindered walking access along the river’s edge for more than 5km from the river's mouth. This also ran hand in hand with a major clean up of the waste that was being dumped in the river and an education programme for the citizens and local industry.
They knew it was no good making a new development if old habits turned it back into an eyesore and health risk and people didn’t want to use it.
In 2005, a contruction company came to ESC asking for assistance in the designing, manufacturing and installation for a bold new plan to clean up the Melaka River and make it more conducive to tourists and local residents alike.
The designs and the long term goal had to take into consideration a 50 year design life and the fact that the new sewage lines that were going hand in hand with the beautification could be accommodated within the scope of the structure if necessary. Piles were galvanised in some sections and painted in others according to the requirements.
The Government of Melaka awarded the very prestigious project to the company that consulted ESC in 2005 based on their combined experience and particular expertise that they brought to the table along with a leading consultants in Malaysia.
All parties worked very closely together for a period of more than 4 years from design stage right through to the implementation and completion stage. Sheet pile profiles varied from section to section other the many stages of the project.
The sheet pile was designed strictly as an aesthetic river frontage in most of the sections as the walkways were predominately supported by reinforced concrete piles thus enabling the structure to require no loading to be taken by the sheet piling. More than 3,000 tons of sheet piles were used in the project over the 4 year period.

Project Photos